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SmoothMQ is highly configurable. Most configurations can be set via a command-line flag and environment variable.


Usage: smoothmq server [flags]

Run queue server

  -h, --help                             Show context-sensitive help.
      --config=CONFIG-FLAG               Configuration file
      --log-pretty                       ($LOG_PRETTY)
      --log-level="info"                 Log level ($LOG_LEVEL)

      --sqs-enabled                      Enable SQS protocol for queue ($Q_SQS_ENABLED)
      --sqs-port=3001                    HTTP port for SQS protocol ($Q_SQS_PORT)
      --sqs-parse-celery                 Parse Celery messages. Lets you search by celery message ID and task
                                         type ($Q_SQS_PARSE_CELERY).
      --sqs-max-request-size=1048576     Max size of SQS request in bytes ($Q_SQS_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE)
      --dashboard-enabled                Enable web dashboard ($Q_DASHBOARD_ENABLED)
      --dashboard-port=3000              HTTP port for dashboard ($Q_DASHBOARD_PORT)
      --dashboard-dev                    Run dashboard in dev mode, refresh templates from local
      --dashboard-user=""                Username for auth ($Q_DASHBOARD_USER)
      --dashboard-pass=""                Pass for auth ($Q_DASHBOARD_PASS)
      --sqlite-path="smoothmq.sqlite"    Path of SQLite file ($Q_SQLITE_PATH)
      --metrics-prometheus-enabled       ($Q_METRICS_PROMETHEUS_ENABLED)
      --metrics-prometheus-port=2112     ($Q_METRICS_PROMETHEUS_PORT)
      --use-single-port                  Enables having all HTTP services run on a single port with different
                                         endpoints ($Q_SERVER_USE_SINGLE_PORT)
      --port=8080                        If use-single-port is enabled, this is the port number for the server